🌟 Exciting News! 🌟

We are thrilled to introduce our latest affiliate to the WILL network, the esteemed attorney Antoin Abou Khalil, hailing from São Paulo, Brazil! 🇧🇷⚖️

Antoin brings a wealth of experience and expertise to our team:

🎓 **Education & Credentials**:
– Bachelor of Law from the Faculty of Law at the University of São Paulo (FDUSP) (1993)
– Registered with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo Section (#130.046)
– Bachelor of Business Administration from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP-FGV), specializing in Finance and Human Resources (1990)

📘 **Academic Excellence**:
– Master’s degree in Philosophy and General Theory of Law from FDUSP
– Published author of “A personalidade do juiz e a condução do processo” (LTr Editora, 2012)
– Doctorate in Philosophy and General Theory of Law from FDUSP
– Published author of “Crítica da ética na advocacia” (Available on Amazon)

🤝 **Professional Experience**:
– Certified Mediator by the Institute of Lawyers of São Paulo (IASP)
– Active Mediator at the Judicial Center for Conflict Resolution in the Regional Forum of Butantã, São Paulo

Antoin’s diverse background in law, business administration, and mediation fortifies our mission to deliver unparalleled legal services. His critical insights into judicial personality, ethics in advocacy, and conflict resolution make him an invaluable addition to our team.

Please join us in welcoming Antoin Abou Khalil to the WILL family! 🚀💼

Meet Antoin at https://cloud.willeague.com/#/affiliate=antoin.abou.khalil

#WelcomeToTheTeam #LegalExcellence #SãoPaulo #Lawyer #Mediator #Justice #NewAffiliate #WILLNetwork #LegalServices #EthicsInLaw #ConflictResolution